Warden Patrick Benedict Ancrum Funerals by T.

Warden Raymond Leamond Wilson Funerals by T. Since 2001, we have been a locally owned and operated business that is committed to establishing relationships with our clients.Read Harris Mortuary - Jacksonville obituaries, find service information, send sympathy gifts, or plan and price a funeral in Jacksonville, FL Write an Obituary Try the Instant ObitWriter xxoom Warden is a funeral home with strong family values, offering funeral and cremation services in Jacksonville, FL and its surrounding areas. 3 trees were planted in memory of Lenette Lenora Paulk F Funeral Home Owner FebruComment Share V …Funerals By T.S. V Valencia Drumgo FebruMy deepest sympathy loss of your Mother. Tribute Wall Obituary & Events Share a memory Send Flowers Share a memory of Lenette Lenora Paulk. Freshanda was in the Upward Bound Program at Jacksonville University from 2002-2005. She was crowned prom queen, was a member of Ladies of Infinity, and served on the student council board. Affectionately called “Fresh” by her friends, she was a proud 2005 graduate of Terry Parker High School. warden obituary Miss Freshanda Denise Callahan was born in Jacksonville, Florida on December 23, 1986.